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Care Team


Unfortunately, the school community sometimes gets into psychosocial emergencies: emergencies such as serious illness, accidents, death or similar extreme situations present the entire school community with great challenges.

The OSZ Mals has had a Care Team since the school year 2018/19. The Care Team is also known as the Crisis Intervention Team and offers “first aid” to students, teachers, non-teaching staff and parents in the mentioned emergencies in their immediate environment. The Care Team helps the school community to remain capable of acting, to cope with crisis situations and, if desired, to accompany the processing of the emergency situation. The focus is also on cooperation with the parents’ home.

It is important for the OSZ Mals to be networked with the home institutions, in order to be able to act jointly and purposefully in emergency situations. There is also a trained Care Team and we are in contact if necessary.

Contact person is headmaster Werner Oberthaler. Members of the Care Team are Bernadetta Höllrigl, Daniela Di Pilla, Anna Maria Cammisuli and Cristiana Ricci.

The Care Team of the OSZ Mals continuously attends topic-related training courses in order to be able to react appropriately and competently.