• Bild


ICDL – International Computer Driving Licence

ICDL stands for International Computer Driving Licence.
The ICDL is a International continuing education initiative. Computer skills are trained and certified. Thus, they become internationally comparable.

The Oberschulzentrum Mals offers the ICDL exams on three dates per school year.

ICDL exam dates

The exam dates are set on an ongoing basis as required and communicated directly to the participants.

Registration for the exams

Please fill out the corresponding forms and hand them in signed at the secretary’s office with the payment confirmations (50,00 € Skills-Card). The registration is done by means of a registration form which has to be handed in at the secretary’s office within the registration period.

To obtain the certificate ICDL Standard 7 modules have to be completed.

  • Computer basics
  • Online basics
  • Text processing
  • Spreadsheet
  • Presentation
  • IT Security
  • Online cooperation

After seven successfully completed exams, you will receive the certificate of the European Computer Driving Licence. There is the possibility to additionally complete the modules “Database Application/Access” and “Image Editing/Gimp”.

Information, exercises, learning contents and catalogues of learning objectives can be found under the following links:

Info: Operating system Microsoft Windows 7 with Microsoft Office 2016